Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A blog JUST for Charlotte!

Charlotte just barely turned 20 months! She is getting to be such a big kid. She's definitely not a baby anymore! Some things that she is doing and enjoys:

- making animal noises
- watching Blue's Clues
- playing with her blocks and knocking down towers
- coloring (or watching Mom and Dad draw pictures)
- reading books
- she has an "entourage" of stuffed animals and 2 dolls. Anywhere she is in the house she HAS to have all 5 of them and both blankets for security. She also sleeps with the whole gang.
- playing with her number magnets on the fridge
- stacking and organizing Mom's tupperware
- when we're driving and are in traffic or at a stop light she says, "uh-oh" over and over until we start driving again then says, "thank you!"
- her favorite food is ranch. She will seriously eat anything with ranch. She loves her vegetables and fruits. We went out for pizza the other day and she ate half a bread stick and an entire PLATE of salad.
- she loves to walk around. We'll go on walks everywhere and she loves it. Sometimes she'll "charge" and start running and going "ahhhhhhhhh!"... it's pretty funny!
- she loves music and likes to sing
- her hair is FINALLY growing a little and she likes to have me put a curl on the top. She stand so still while I fix it and poses so pretty when we're done.
- sometimes she likes to watch cooking shows with me and will ask me to turn on "cooook!"

Out of the mouth of Charlotte-
- olk > milk
- joosh > juice
- fas > breakfast
- unch  >lunch
- da done > all done
- thank you!
- dis > while signing it, please
- cuya > color
- kee kee > blankie
- bebe > baby
- Mom
- Dad
- bampa > Grandpa
- bampa > Grandma
- guck > duck
- gock > sock
- shoes
- coke > coat
- oh... she says it all the time. For example, "oh! kee kee?" as in "oh! will you get my blankie?"
- ha shew, ha shew > sleeping sounds
- huwo > hello
- by-ye > bye
- no
- go go go! > let's go!
- dup > step
- gog > dog/frog
- wawo > pillow
- yes!
- ssss > psst! George and I psst each other when we want the other to see her doing something cute, but she caught on and does it to us when we're not paying attention to her :)
- ssshh
- may men > amen
- jejus > Jesus
- clue clue > Blue's Clues

That's all I can think of for now. I will continue to post and update on here as we watch Charlotte learn and grow!


  1. So fun! What a great idea to do a blog specifically for her. I love the way you think :) And I so wish I could hear her saying all those cute!!!
